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Welcome to Mother Gardener: Your Path to Eco-Spiritual Connections

Hi, I'm Cortney!

Growing up I felt a pull to work in nature. As a young child some of my best memories were running freely in the open woods behind my grandmothers. I would be out with my cousins all day looking for wild blueberries and building rafts in the small pond. I can see it now, all of the leaves fallen on the ground, hillsides covered in slick mud, towering trees and the feeling that we could make or be anything we wanted. Now, that woods that seemed like it could go on forever has become a new sprawling housing development. I feel sad to know that this is happening all over. We are losing our wild places at such a fast pace and with that, creatures are losing their homes and we are losing our wild spirits.

I have always felt compelled to action, so I poured myself into learning as much about our environment as I could. I worked in a plant nursery as a teen, served abroad in Morocco in the Peace Corps and studied with numerous gardening institutions both online, in person in Colorado and through countless books and resources. From this I have come to the conclusion it is not enough to just plant a garden, but we need to take it a step further to learn from the garden and see ourselves mirrored back. For if we don't see ourselves in nature, how can we get the passion to want to protect it? This idea is the foundation in which Mother Gardener is founded on.

So let me ask you.........

Are you ready to deepen your connection with the natural world? At Mother Gardener, I believe that it's time for a shift in mindset – from simply being gardeners to becoming guardians of the earth. My mission is to help you develop a harmonious relationship with nature, where you can grow your own food and nurture the planet. As an eco-spiritual practitioner and garden consultant, I am dedicated to guiding you on this transformative journey. Together, we will learn how to work alongside the land, rather than against it.

By understanding and respecting the needs of our environment, we can protect and care for our earth for future generations.

At Mother Gardener, I offer a range of solutions and resources designed to rekindle your relationship with the planet. With my guidance, you will discover how to connect with nature using your intuition, ancestral earth knowledge, and modern science.

My services include garden consulting, native planting design, edible landscaping, and vegetable bed installations. Whether you're new to gardening or already have a green thumb, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. Now is the time to delve deeper into our own nature so that we can create a world where humanity coexists harmoniously with our planet for generations to come.

Join us at Mother Gardener on this empowering journey towards eco-spiritual connection today. Together, let's grow food, nurture the earth, and create a sustainable future for all.


Fort Collins, Colorado