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Mother Gardener Membership Society

The done-for-you garden membership that’ll take the guesswork out of how to cultivate the garden of your dreams

Hello groundbreaker, busy bee, DIYer, dreamer…

A garden can be a complicated thing. It’s never as simple as planting a seed, watering it, and watching it grow.

You know that though. Because at this point, you’re probably tired of putting hours upon hours of work into your garden with not as much to show for it as you'd like. 

Maybe you’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed when you think about your garden. Between insect damage, plants not making it to harvest, and that late-season frost, you can’t seem to get ahead. 

When it comes to your garden, you’re looking for yields beyond your dinner plate anyway. 

Things like the way the soil smells when it’s alive and well. How your soul expands with your face to the sunlight. And how boundless time can feel when you’re in your garden. 

You’re being called to your garden because you want to grow your own food. But also because of the magic that happens when you’re out there in true communion between this wild, living Earth and your deepest self. 

Somewhere along the way, though, it became a chore. DIY turned into RIY — where you research-it-yourself and hope there’s enough time to implement the hundreds of suggestions the internet gives you. 

Between kids, work, self-care, and all the other things, your garden fell to the bottom of the list. Sometimes just the thought of getting out there feels paralyzing. While you long to feel the soil in your hands, it’s just overwhelming. 

But it doesn't have to be.

You can grow your favorite plants, regenerate your land, cultivate a deep connection with the Earth, and have an expert to turn to when something goes awry (and it’s gardening, so something WILL go awry). 

All for less money than your Netflix subscription. 



I made this membership because I know the uncertainty and anxiety that comes from not doing it “right.” It’s enough to make anyone give up trying.

And you know from experience that turning to Google for answers can quickly lead you to more questions.

Besides, you’ve got limited resources — time, money, seeds, water, the seasons — and using them wisely can make all the difference.

What it comes down to is, the way to have a successful, abundant, and beautiful garden — without sinking all of your resources in the process — is getting help from a professional. 

Since consultations often cost hundreds, that option can feel out of reach. 

You deserve to have the yummy garden of your dreams. You deserve to have dirty hands and a happy tummy.

You deserve to feel immeasurable pride in the buzzing, growing, lush garden that you built.

And you deserve to feel the surge of childlike joy walking outside to pick greens for your dinner salad, day after day. 

You were never meant to garden alone. And now, you don’t have to.

So, what does it look like to be a member?

As a member of the Mother Gardener Membership Society, you’ll receive…

✅ A Monthly Garden Checklist that outlines everything you need to do that month in your garden — so you can execute the right actions in confidence, without spending even a minute on research.

✅ Weekly emails to touch base on seasonal and garden-related topics — which means focused, continued education will come straight to your inbox (goodbye, Google!)

✅ A seasonal e-book sent at the beginning of every quarter — ensuring you feel grounded in the changing of the seasons (no more seasonal affective disorder for you!)

✅ Email support from the Mother Gardener herself— having your own on-demand expert for basic questions ensures you get tailored answers to your specific questions, the first time you ask.

Hi, I’m Cortney, the Mother Gardener


Mother Gardener is born from my belief that merely planting a garden is not enough; we must see ourselves mirrored in nature to find the passion to protect it. As an eco-spiritual practitioner and garden consultant, my mission is to guide you on a transformative journey of becoming guardians of the earth. Together, through services such as garden consulting, native planting design, edible landscaping, and kitchen garden installations, we deepen our connection with the natural world and create a sustainable future. Join me, where we grow food, nurture the earth, and embark on an empowering journey towards eco-spiritual connection.

I’m a master gardener, with over five years of experience envisioning and building the gardens of my client’s dreams. Though I’ve had my hands in the soil, gardening, for over 20 years. I run my garden coaching and consulting business from my homestead in Fort Collins, Colorado. And with the Mother Gardener Membership Society, I’m able to expand my service to a nationwide US audience. 

For me, though, this is way bigger than gardening. The thing that lights me up the most is reconnecting people with nature. It’s where I feel immensely purposeful. 

But it’s no small task. 

Between fractured communities, dense urban living, and consumer culture, cutting through the noise is full-time work. 

It’s work that I’m dedicated to, though. Because we’ve lost our way. We can’t see ourselves in nature. We can’t read its abundant signals and signs. And the price we’re paying for this is massive. 

The way forward that ensures humanity’s future on Earth involves improving the way we interact with the environment. There’s no way around it. 

Our future depends on our ability to care for the natural world — and deep care comes from knowing how it affects you and gives you life. 

You are a part of nature, my friend. An essential and irreplaceable part. And my goal is to help you see yourself in the nature that’s outside your door. 

When you work in a garden, you’ve got to get out there. You’ve got to smell the Earth and put your hands in the soil. This is the catalyst that draws you outside and helps you to renew your relationship with our generous, wild, living planet. 

So, yes. I want you to have a garden you can’t wait to show off to all your loved ones. A garden that you’re proud of. A garden that feeds you and your family. A garden that heals the soil and supports biodiversity.

But also? I want you to heal yourself and our world through your garden. It’s okay if that seems like an overwhelming goal. Never fret, my friend, I’m here to help you every single step of the way. Together we can make a difference in our communities. 

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Fort Collins, Colorado